Local Organisations
Amma Birth Companions is a Glasgow based organisation that that supports birthing people and parents in need of additional care, information, or advocacy throughout the perinatal period.
Scot PEP We are a sex worker-led charity that advocates for the safety, rights and health of everyone who sells sex in Scotland.
National Ugly Mugs is a UK-wide organisation working to end all forms of violence against sex workers. We provide advice on housing, ​legal issues, run training courses, supply food and utility vouchers, offer free therapy, arrange outings and have a drop-in space in Glasgow.
MILK Cafe is a social enterprise set up to empower and support refugee and migrant women living in Glasgow.
MORE is a group made up of migrants and members of the community campaigning for the right to work, study, good housing and to be treated with dignity.
The Unity Centre gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland.
Amina - The Muslim Women's Resource Centre works to address the key issues and needs of Muslim women.
This is Rigged is a direct action campaign fighting for action from the Scottish government on the cost of living crisis and climate change. Specifically they demand more community food hubs, cutting the cost of supermarket baby products and transitioning from oil to renewables. At times like these, the Highland Land League slogan rings true "Treasa tuath an tighearna"/ "The people are mightier than a lord"
Make Your Mark is for connecting heritage organisations with diverse volunteers all over Scotland. They also lobby for the creation of more volunteering opportunities.
Galgeal are a working community based in Glasgow. They have a number of craft-based projects you can get involved with, such as boat building.
Urban Roots Glasgow Free Food Map is an interactive resource that maps food banks and pantries in Glasgow.
Free Movement publishes clear information available to all those affected by immigration control: migrants themselves, their families, their lawyers and their judges.
Right to Remain produce accessible resources and deliver community training, so that people can navigate the UK asylum and immigration system and take practical action in their legal case (or in the case of someone they are supporting).
ASAP works to reduce destitution amongst asylum seekers by providing free legal representation, as well as legal advice and support to external agencies and individual asylum seekers.
The Scottish Women's Right Centre provide free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.
Scottish Refugee Council provide practical support and advice to refugees in Scotland.
Migrant Women Press is an independent media outlet created to give visibility to stories of migrant and refugee women, black and women of colour and women from marginalised communities
What is a 'by and for' organisation?